259 The Parade
Beulah Park 5067
Ph. 8331 2711
Fax. 8331 2788
47 Orsmond Street
Hindmarsh 5007
Ph. 8133 5567
Fax. 8312 6158
Dr Syed Ali
Consulting Hours:
Contact us to schedule appointment today.
Before you ring, you will need to know which doctor you have been referred to.
Call us at 08 8331 2711
and press:
1 for Dr William Smith fax: 08 8331 2788 (Beulah Park)
2 for Dr Michael Gold
3 for Dr Patrick Quinn
5 for Dr Anthony Smith
6 for Dr Syed Ali
4 for Dr Chino Yuson fax: 08 8312 6158 (Hindmarsh)
If you phone during consulting hours for your doctor, their receptionist will endeavour to answer your call.
If you call out of consulting hours, you will be able to leave a message.
You can check the doctors' consulting hours by selecting them from the panel on the right.